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更新日: 14/05/08


関数 polynomial は、指定した独立変数に対する多項式の計算結果を返します。係数を与えると、x 値の範囲に対する y 値の範囲を生成します。





polynomial(range, coefficents) または

polynomial(range, a0, a1, ..., an)

引数 range には 1つの範囲 ({} で指定) 、もしくは、ワークシートの1列を指定します。範囲内に文字列が含まれている場合は欠損値として返されます。

引数 coefficents は多項式の係数値からなる範囲で、低い次数から高い次数に並びます。あるいは係数はスカラーとして個々に表記することもできます。




The polynomial function returns the results for independent variable values in polynomials. Given the coefficients, this function produces a range of y values for the corresponding x values in range.

The function takes one of two forms. The first form has two arguments, both of which are ranges. Values in the first range are the independent variable values. The second range represents the coefficients of the polynomial, with the constant coefficient listed first, and the highest order coefficient listed last.

The second form accepts two or more arguments. The first argument is a range consisting of the independent variable values. All successive arguments are scalar and represent the coefficients of a polynomial, with the constant coefficient listed first and the highest order coefficient listed last.


polynomial(range,coefficents) or


The range argument must be a single range (indicated with the { } brackets) or a worksheet column. Text strings contained within a range are returned as a missing value.

The coefficients argument is a range consisting of the polynomial coefficient values, from lowest to highest. Alternately, the coefficients can be listed individually as scalars.



To evaluate the polynomial y = x2 + x + 1 for x values of 0, 1, and 2, type the equation polynomial({0,1,2},1,1,1). Alternately, you could set x ={1,1,1}, then enter polynomial({0,1,2},x). Both operations return a range of {1,3,7}.

