Title: Growth inhibition of 833K cells Growth inhibition of 833K teratocarcinoma cells during 96 hours' exposure T C Chou, R J Motzer, Y Tong, G Bosl. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol 86, No. 20, Oct. 19, 1994. Date: Aug 1996 Investigator: Sample 6 Filename: sample6.csn ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary table Drug Combination Index Values at ED50 ED75 ED90 Dm m r Paclit. N/A N/A N/A 0.00217 1.24783 0.99013 (Not a combination) Cispl. N/A N/A N/A 0.32016 1.45990 0.98600 (Not a combination) Topot. N/A N/A N/A 0.04621 1.85486 0.99103 (Not a combination) Pac/Cis 0.88749 0.78105 0.69014 0.00115 1.57160 0.99995 (1:100) Cis/Top 0.55701 0.56153 0.56969 0.10535 1.58782 0.98948 (10:1) Pac/Top 1.12570 0.92342 0.77247 0.00166 1.89081 0.99896 (1:10) 3 drugs 1.15003 0.73771 0.47959 0.00116 3.36336 0.98405 (1:100:10) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug: Paclit. Comment: Paclitaxel Data points entered: Paclit. Fraction affected 然 0.002 0.4290 0.004 0.7080 0.005 0.7610 0.01 0.8820 0.02 0.9320 Median-effect parameters: Paclit. 然 Dm: 0.00217 lower 95%: 0.00036 upper 95%: 0.01318 m: 1.24783 +/- 0.101953 y-int: 3.32420 +/- 0.228955 r: 0.99013 CCSI: 0.98828 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug: Cispl. Comment: Cisplatin Data points entered: Cispl. Fraction affected 然 0.05 0.0550 0.1 0.2330 0.2 0.3010 0.5 0.5590 1 0.8210 2 0.9530 Median-effect parameters: Cispl. 然 Dm: 0.32016 lower 95%: 0.20720 upper 95%: 0.49469 m: 1.45990 +/- 0.123465 y-int: 0.72212 +/- 0.092427 r: 0.98600 CCSI: 0.66791 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug: Topot. Comment: Topotecan Data points entered: Topot. Fraction affected 然 0.01 0.0690 0.02 0.2130 0.05 0.3730 0.1 0.7850 0.2 0.9400 0.5 0.9910 Median-effect parameters: Topot. 然 Dm: 0.04621 lower 95%: 0.02116 upper 95%: 0.10093 m: 1.85486 +/- 0.125056 y-int: 2.47666 +/- 0.162720 r: 0.99103 CCSI: 0.89662 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug: Pac/Cis Comment: Paclitaxel/Cisplatin Combination: Paclit. Cispl. Ratio: 1:100 Data points entered: Paclit. Cispl. Fraction affected (然) (然) 0.001 0.1 0.4500 0.002 0.2 0.7010 0.005 0.5 0.9100 0.01 1 0.9680 Median-effect parameters: Paclit. Cispl. (然) (然) Dm: 0.00115 0.11471 lower 95%: 0.00097 0.09667 upper 95%: 0.00136 0.13613 m: 1.57160 +/- 0.010928 y-int: 4.62110 +/- 0.027636 r: 0.99995 CCSI: 0.98861 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug: Cis/Top Comment: Cisplatin/Topetecan Combination: Cispl. Topot. Ratio: 10:1 Data points entered: Cispl. Topot. Fraction affected (然) (然) 0.05 0.005 0.3040 0.1 0.01 0.4130 0.2 0.02 0.6750 0.5 0.05 0.9240 1 0.1 0.9770 Median-effect parameters: Cispl. Topot. (然) (然) Dm: 0.10535 0.01053 lower 95%: 0.05507 0.00551 upper 95%: 0.20154 0.02015 m: 1.58782 +/- 0.134026 y-int: 1.55189 +/- 0.108418 r: 0.98948 CCSI: 0.81614 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug: Pac/Top Comment: Paclitaxel/Topetecan Combination: Paclit. Topot. Ratio: 1:10 Data points entered: Paclit. Topot. Fraction affected (然) (然) 0.001 0.01 0.2740 0.002 0.02 0.5790 0.005 0.05 0.9010 0.01 0.1 0.9650 Median-effect parameters: Paclit. Topot. (然) (然) Dm: 0.00166 0.01661 lower 95%: 0.00077 0.00769 upper 95%: 0.00359 0.03589 m: 1.89081 +/- 0.060980 y-int: 5.25572 +/- 0.154207 r: 0.99896 CCSI: 0.98861 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Drug: 3 drugs Comment: All three drugs Combination: Paclit. Cispl. Topot. Ratio: 1:100:10 Data points entered: Paclit. Cispl. Topot. Fraction affected (然) (然) (然) 0.001 0.1 0.01 0.4560 0.002 0.2 0.02 0.8060 0.003 0.3 0.03 0.9470 0.005 0.5 0.05 0.9950 Median-effect parameters: Paclit. Cispl. Topot. (然) (然) (然) Dm: 0.00116 0.11616 0.01162 lower 95%: 4.6685e-005 0.00467 0.00047 upper 95%: 0.02890 2.89027 0.28903 m: 3.36336 +/- 0.429923 y-int: 9.87126 +/- 1.136333 r: 0.98405 CCSI: 0.99531 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------