/**************************************************************************** ** ** This file is part of yFiles FLEX Client Layout Extension ** ** yWorks proprietary/confidential. Use is subject to license terms. ** ** Unauthorized redistribution of this file or of a byte-code version ** of this file is strictly forbidden. ** ** Copyright (c) 2012 by yWorks GmbH, Vor dem Kreuzberg 28, ** 72070 Tuebingen, Germany. All rights reserved. ** ***************************************************************************/ package demo.orgchart { import demo.orgchart.component.OrgChartCanvasComponent; import mx.graphics.SolidColor; import com.yworks.graph.drawing.ShapeNodeStyle; import com.yworks.canvas.drawing.IPaintable; import com.yworks.graph.drawing.INodeStyle; import com.yworks.graph.model.INode; import com.yworks.canvas.drawing.IPaintContext; import com.yworks.canvas.drawing.YGraphics; import com.yworks.graph.model.IGraph; import com.yworks.graph.drawing.OverviewGraphPaintable; /** * A custom graph overview that visualizes the nodes in a color according to the status attribute of * their corresponding XML node. */ public class OrgChartOverviewGraphPaintable extends OverviewGraphPaintable{ protected var _graph:IGraph; protected var _canvas:OrgChartCanvasComponent; private static var _statusColorMap:Object = { 離席中: new SolidColor(PersonNode.STATUS_COLORS[ '離席中' ]), 会議: new SolidColor(PersonNode.STATUS_COLORS[ '会議' ]), 病欠: new SolidColor(PersonNode.STATUS_COLORS[ '病欠' ]), 出勤: new SolidColor(PersonNode.STATUS_COLORS[ '出勤' ]), 出張: new SolidColor(PersonNode.STATUS_COLORS[ '出張' ]), 確認中: new SolidColor(PersonNode.STATUS_COLORS[ '確認中' ]) } /** * Creates a new instance for the given graph. */ public function OrgChartOverviewGraphPaintable( graph:IGraph, canvas:OrgChartCanvasComponent ) { super(graph); this._graph = graph; this._canvas = canvas; } /** * Callback that paints the node. * @param g the graphics context. * @param ctx the paint context. * @param node The node to paint. */ override protected function paintNode( g:YGraphics, ctx:IPaintContext, node:INode ):void { var style:INodeStyle = getOverviewNodeStyle( node ); //ShapeNodeStyle(style).fill(null); var paintable:IPaintable = style.styleRenderer.getPaintable( node, style ); if( null != paintable ) { paintable.paint( g, ctx ); } } /** * Callback that returns and/or configures a node style for the given node to render. * @param node The node to render. * @return The style or null */ override protected function getOverviewNodeStyle( node:INode ):INodeStyle { var nodeStyle:ShapeNodeStyle = overviewNodeStyle as ShapeNodeStyle; var xmlData:XML = this._canvas.node2xmlNode(node); if (nodeStyle != null && xmlData != null) { nodeStyle.fill = OrgChartOverviewGraphPaintable.statusColorMap[xmlData.@status]; return nodeStyle; } return overviewNodeStyle; } public static function get statusColorMap():Object { return _statusColorMap; } } }